Marvin 0 4 09.14 01:24
Several people close to Trump say Laura Loomer has contributed to some of the unseemly conspiracy theories he has elevated recently
Trump says he won’t participate in another presidential debate
Analysis Trump is drowning in the misinformation swamp he helped create
‘It’s insanity’: Robert De Niro on Trump’s run for presidency 2:40
John Legend responds to Trump’s claims about Springfield, Ohio — the singer’s hometown
Biden dons Trump hat, jokes about his age and false rumors about Ohio pets during Pennsylvania trip
Analysis Allies left doing post-debate cleanup for Trump
Who is Laura Loomer, the right-wing activist in Trump’s inner circle? 2:50
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls far-right activist Loomer’s rhetoric ‘huge problem’ that ‘doesn’t represent MAGA’v2?sig=e20e0b649b238b2f91a190dd0d30effe8fa972505f1c0a09abc9b5c2bcf2585b


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